Jun 4, 2018

After Action Report for North Florida Stand Down (NFSD) 2018

North Florida Stand Down 2018 was held on April 20 – 21, 2018 at the North Florida Fairgrounds and served two hundred and seventy-one (271) homeless and at-risk veterans; the majority were at-risk veterans. The event was successful due to the collaborative efforts of all parties involved. There were more than seventy-five (75vendors/service providers and more than four hundred persons who volunteered and participated/assisted in this venture. The monetary donations exceeded $27,000 and the in-kind donations exceeded $40,000. We are appreciative of all those sponsors, organizations and volunteers that generously gave to help to defray the cost of hosting Stand Down for our Veterans. During SD 2018, California Film Producer Julian Wilson interviewed over 25 individuals for a documentary of SD 2018 and the past 5 Stand Downs.)  Overall, we were able to provide many needed services to our honored Veterans and heighten the awareness of the challenges that many Veterans continually encounter.

Stand Down 2019 is coming!

May 17 and 18, 2019 at the North Florida Fairgrounds!
Register your attendance here.